A downloadable Template for Windows

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Welcome to our first ever itch.io release!

I have been putting together a little project, which will be commented completely explaining each event and each action.  In it's development state, you will have access to updates to what I've been up to.  As I update this template, you can open the new versions and take the new code.  This will of course be commented and colour coded, for each release.  Each colour, and it's version that it represents can be found in the table below.  Also found below are the features!

  • Menu Scene
  • Tutorial Level 1 Scene (Basic platformer controls and objects)
  • Tutorial Level 2 Scene (Enemies, multiple keys, and collecting hearts)
  • Tutorial Level 3 Scene (Example level, Ladders, Coins, Gems (TBD).


  • Play button, Load button, Sound Toggle, Exit button
  • Animated player (Walk, Jump, Idle (cute blinking), and Duck - so far)
  • Jump Through Platforms
  • Key and Door system
  • Enemies (v0.1 - Just a slime that moves left and right and blinks.)
  • Heart Health System
  • Coins and Gems system - Coins can be puzzle pieces!
  • Moving Platforms
  • Game Over system
  • All UI is setup and working
  • Ladders (v0.2 - Not the final version, this is just a quick fixup for now!)
  • Checkpoint System (Not final result, no coin charge for activating yet | Although you now have to use 1 gem to respawn at them)


  • Checkpoint system (TICK)
  • A few example levels (Level1 In Prog)
  • Ropes
  • More Enemies
  • Complete Commenting on all events and actions

If you require any help, send a message and get in touch, same goes for suggestions and feedback.

Editor Default0.1
Pale Red0.2

I hope you enjoy this template and find use for it! 

For tutorials on Construct 2 (can be used in C3) check out my channel here:)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Platformer.zip 76 MB
PlatformerTemplate v0.2 3.5 MB

Development log

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